I am so happy you decided to join the ride!

Enter your name and email address to join the Vespa rides!

What are the Vespa rides? Well, basically wind in your hair, the Italian scenery around you, and a lot of new things to discover.

Every week, you'll get an email from me covering all things Italian, be it the language, or the culture, or the places you absolutely can't miss when visiting the country - and other random cool stuff, of course. We'll take things slow, Vespa style, and over time I am sure you'll get to know this lovely country and its way of living much better. 

By signing up, you'll also receive the password for Your Italian Toolbox, the private section of Instantly Italy where you can access and download Italian language materials. 

Buon divertimento! 

(If you do not receive the emails, check your spam folder or Gmail promotions tab - I am sure they are hiding in there).  
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